Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Making curtains

Anna recently painted her office which was an odd purple color and she asked me to make some new curtains to go with the new soft blue color.  I went to Hancock's last week and scored this gorgeous Kaufman decorator fabric that was regularly $40.00 a yard for $4.00 a yard.  She has two windows side by side and wants short, café style curtains.  The panels are all sewn together (I usually make the curtain about two and a half times as wide as the window.) and I've made 400 inches of single bias to finish the edges.

Like the curtain I made for my studio, Anna's will be lined.  They wear much longer and have a more substantial look if they are lined.

This is a detail showing the bottom edge finished with bias and a little look at the lining.

Anna's curtains will be more in the style of the one I made for the kitchen window that faces the front yard.  She's like me and likes lots of light to come in the windows.

The binding is sewn to the front side and then brought around to the back to be hand sewn to the lining.

This is the first line of sewing to create the channel for the curtain rod.

I taped the Ruby Beholder to the machine to mark one and a half inches from the needle.

The first panel is all finished.  I'm off to Safety Pin Studio to finish the second one.


Dolores said...

Isn't that extra work - adding the bias binding? Couldn't you just sew the lining to the curtain, turn it inside out and then treat them as one? Even make the lining a tad smaller so the it would not show on the outside at all - if that's your worry. My mom never attached the lining to the front in curtains.

Quilted Librarian said...

Hi Dolores,
Yes, it's probably extra work, but I like the way it looks. I took down my first try with my kitchen curtain because I didn't like looking at the lining!
Thanks for your visit.
All the best,

Minka said...

That fabric is beautiful! What a great price, too! (Is that Hancock's of Padukah?) All your curtains look wonderful. Love the look of the lining and the bias finish.

Quilted Librarian said...

Thanks, Minka! We have a Hancock's here in Greensboro that's like the one in Paducah, but lots smaller.
Good to hear from you.
Kind regards,